Welcome to CAA Expertise
your French and Chinese Chartered Accountant

CAA Expertise is a boutique accounting and consulting firm. With associates who are fluent in both French and Chinese, we specialize in providing support services to Asian investors, especially those from China, in France or in other European countries on accounting, tax, and labor issues, as well as on the management of Chinese company branches in France.


Our services

China Desk

Registration /Accounting and tax support/ Payroll


Financial statement preparation and review | Payroll and social security management | Legal affairs | Our divisions


Tax representation | VAT refund


Our divisions

Each client is unique, and that is why CAA Expertise offers customized services tailored to your profession and changing needs.

You are the French subsidiary of a foreign company.


If your company performs commercial transactions (imports or exports) involving goods traveling between non-EU countries and Europe while also being involved in intra-Community trade (acquisitions and shipments) within the EU, it will be subject to a growing number of complex tax and customs regulations.


Are you a restaurant owner, hairstylist, the owner of a read-to-wear boutique, headhunter, professional photographer, or IT/financial consultant?


If you are the head of a company or an individual who has decided to invest in real estate with the status of furnished property lender (professional (LMP) or non-professional (LMNP)), you may be eligible for certain tax breaks.


We are...


At CAA Expertise, our thorough, top-notch services will earn your trust and satisfaction. We are a responsible partner who will be there for you in the long run.


With our highly professional associates and agile business structure, CAA Expertise is always available and responsive to your needs. We are happy to use WeChat messenger to communicate with our clients.

We speak Chinese

With our highly professional associates and agile business structure, CAA Expertise is always available and responsive to your needs. We are happy to use WeChat messenger to communicate with our clients.